Hi, I’m diana.
Maybe you want to get to the next level. Maybe you want to find your purpose. Maybe you have found your purpose and want the tools to pursue it. Whatever it is, choosing to show up for yourself will make all the difference.
Don’t worry about how you are going to get to where you want to be. If you show up, get real clear about what you want, and choose to go get it, you can generate any experience you want in life. Life is perfect. If you read those words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
My Approach
My clients come to me because I get them.
Whatever experience you are having, whatever model of life and the world you hold true, I will meet you there. I make it my mission to fully understand you, embody your goals and vision for life, and work with you and your inner wisdom to shift your experience to exactly that which you envision.
I partner with my clients to learn their strongest desires, most deeply engrained patterns, survival mechanisms, and mindsets. Then we know what we're working with, and together we can draw on strengths, reframe obstacles, and relish in the chaos, as we break up all that old stuff, and build something new and so far beyond anything you previously thought was possible.
We will use a variety of methods including ontological coaching, facilitative coaching, breathwork, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis, mental fitness training. While I will bring you many tools and techniques to employ, with coaching, like many things in life, you get out what you put in. You are the subject of the coaching, and thus you are the subject matter expert. The results you generate will be completely your own. For this reason, I have a screening and application process for anyone interested in coaching. I prefer working with clients who are decisive and motivated to generate something incredible. If you’re playing for peanuts, you don’t need a coach - or at least not a coach like me. If you’re playing a much bigger game, or you’re ready to start, we should definitely talk.
I take great pride in the successes of my clients and I look forward to partnering with you to do the same!
“Our chief want in life is someone who will make us do what we can.”
Dream it
Don’t worry about sounding evolved. Sound like you. Don’t worry about having it all figured out. Nobody really does. Just start. Show up. Get clear on what you want. Dream big, without constraint or burden, and then declare your intention and trust yourself to fulfill on it.
Build it
Get into action. Be intentional, be fearless and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your dream is that it’s going to continue to evolve and you can evolve with it. The path to doing so is to start working towards your vision for your life, right now.
Why I coach
I know how hard it is to break habits, change patterns, re-orient limiting beliefs, and do things differently. I know what it is like to feel so fragmented that even successes can seem overwhelming. I've experienced the numbing torture of feeling like it’s all pointless. I have mourned the vision of finding my passion, carefully currated through my naive yet hopeful youth. I’ve also felt the sharp pain of leaving something behind after massively investing money, relationships, time, and an idealistic vision of the future into it. I have gone through living a double life just to succeed at work without losing myself at home. I have had those moments of clarity where I can see myself spinning on a hamster wheel. I have been where you are, and I found my way out. Every since then, I devoted my life to supporting my clients in doing the same.