free yourself from who you have been so you can become who you are.
You’re in the right place if this sounds like you…
I’ve done everything right - I went to school, got a job, worked hard, was careful with my money, lived my life, created a home, spent time with family and friends, and am pretty sure everything is pretty standard. I feel satisfied some or most of the time, and sure I have my moments where life gets the best of me, but doesn’t everyone? I have a lot to be grateful for, and I’m getting by just fine in life. I’ve heard of people who have found their purpose, lead these fulfilling lives, and are powered by positivity, but I question whether it’s really sincere. Life is full of ups and downs, wins and losses, gifts and challenges, and at the end of the day, we’re all struggling to some degree - that’s just how it is.
I am curious, though - if there is something more out there. I do wonder sometimes what it could be like if it were different. I’m not really sure what I mean by different, but if there is some secret sauce out there for feeling high on life all of the time, I don’t want to go through my entire life without ever having tasted it. Surely my life could be better than it is now - I could be less stressed, have more free time, be more connected to my friends and family, take care of my body more and eat better. Maybe I could even find a more fulfilling job that actaully has me jumping out of bed in the morning excited for the day. Honestly, though, I wouldn’t even know where to start. I can’t imagine a job I would love that much or a life I could afford with that level of balance, but hey - if it’s possible, I’m willing to give it a shot.
“If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
― Thomas A. Edison
This total transformation mindset reset program curated to support you in improving your experience of every aspect of your life.
Whether it’s your career, confidence, relationships, money, stress, family, time, creativity, social life, health and wellness, or any combination of the above that is keeping you up at night, this program will support you in taking massive action to make a massive transformation.
This is the all-in-one, one-stop-shop solution for turning your life around and finally feeling balanced, fulfilled, and at peace with exactly where you are and where you are going. When is the last time you could honestly say you felt all of that?
Taking you on a journey from self discovery through to self mastery, this program combines ontology, NLP, breathwork, the Positive Intelligence framework, and many more techniques to help you shift your perspectives, gain enormous clarity, and create bite-sized changes that you will feel immediately and can actually sustain for life.
What we will cover in this program
Self Discovery
The first month will focus on understanding the different components of the self. We will explore the core essence of who you are, the survival mechanisms and saboteurs that get in the way of you showing up as your best self, the drivers behind negative emotions and exhausting mind-chatter, stress triggers, success factors, and the perspectives and beliefs that you have adapted, which drive your life decisions. In this first month you create a baseline understanding of who you have been to date.
Getting Clear
Here we will employ a combination of somatic, neurological, physical, and cognitive exercises to get clear on your greatest goals - we will explore your life purpose and support you in thinking bigger about what you can accomplish. We will then create a plan for you to put your goals into action, remove anything that is standing in the way, and create accountability structures to makes ure you actually follow through with achieving what you want most in life.
Self Mastery
In the final part of this program, we will roll up our sleeves and get a bit messy as we practice the application of various tools that will support you in working with what you learned in the first two parts of this program. You will actually start executing your plan and receive coaching around facing challenges, staying in integrity with your values and goals, and being completely at choice for how you show up in life and the results that you generate as a result of this.
Weekly Coaching Sessions
12 weekly 75 minute sessions
12 Accountability Sessions
12 half-hour virtual collaboration sessions with your cohort
BONUS: 1:1 Coaching
One 30-minute 1:1 private coaching session with Diana (early-bird reg.)
I’m A coach, consultant, and mental fitness trainer and I can help you create a life by design.
With over a decade of experience consulting, coaching, and partnering with people who know there is more out there for them, I take great pride in the results my clients produce. I am trained and certified in ontological coaching, business coaching, hypnotherapy, and NLP, and I am living proof that no matter how well you have it all figured out, there is a field of endless possibility you haven’t even begun to tap into. I support my clients in putting themselves at choice for the lens through which they view various aspects of life and the experiences they generate as a result. This puts you in the drivers’ seat to unlock massive potential and literally design your ideal life.
Sounds too good to be true? Let’s partner to prove you wrong.
Barbara, 25 | Tel Aviv
“It was amazing to work with Diana. She really helped me see myself clearly in a way that penetrated every aspect of my life. After working with her, I felt more empowered to go after what I really want.”